Wasps can be a fairly scary and intimidating insect to come across in your home or garden. In large part this is due to the fact that they can sting multiple times, unlike a bee, and they simply look intimidating. Another factor to consider is that wasps, unlike bees and other kinds of flying stinging insects, seem to go out of their way to track down and sting those that annoy them. All of these are reasons for eliminating wasps when you come across them, but use caution when you do this. Just follow these instructions, and you should have no problem eliminating wasps safely.
- Prevention is key. The best way to eliminate wasps is to help ensure that they never show up to begin with. This is done by removing anything and everything that they could use as a food source during the early summer and middle autumn months. An easy rule of thumb to remember is that if you will eat it, then so will a wasp. In addition, keep all your exterior trashcans covered, and empty them when it is time.
- Locate the nest. If you do see a wasp flying around your home, take the time to identify where it is nesting. It shouldn't be all that difficult, simply follow the wasp around during daylight hours when they are most active until you see a bunch of them together. Wasp nests usually have the appearance of being made from paper mache, though they can also be found in old logs and cracks in masonry. Do not handle or approach the nest during the day time. Make a note of the nests location.
- Work at night. Once you have discovered where the nest is, it is time to go and get the pesticide. Ideally you will use a pesticide that has pyrethrum aerosol to work on the nest. It is simply more effective against wasps, and helps to slow them down. Wait until night time before you apply the pesticide since wasps are less active during the night, and if they wake up they will be less likely to see you and sting you.
- Inspect in the morning. After spraying, wait until the morning to check for any additional activity. In fact, this should be one of the first things that you do when you wake up.
- Repeat as necessary. If you find any activity, repeat steps three and four as many times as is necessary until you have completely eliminated any and all wasps that may be around your home.
- Apply pesticides. With the adult wasps taken care of it is now time to work on the eggs that may be hatching. Apply a pesticide such as Drione Dust, or similar products, to the area that the nest is located. This should help kill off any wasp eggs that may still remain.
- If necessary, call the professionals. If for any reason you are having trouble getting rid of the wasps, or you simply are uncomfortable eliminating them yourself, do not hesitate in calling a professional.
Author Bio
Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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