It seems like everyone knows just how nasty parasites can be, and most people would not willingly allow themselves to be infected with these nasty little critters. However, there are too many times, or methods, when we can be infected with parasites without knowing. That is why it is important to know the symptoms of parasites, so you can begin taking the proper steps to get rid of them.
- Creepy crawlies. One of the most basic of symptoms for any and all insect type of parasites is a pervasive feeling of something crawling on you. If you get that feeling, take a closer look, or have a family member take a closer look. While you can see some insect parasites with the naked eye, you can't always. This means that if you can't then you may want to have a close friend or family member take a closer look with a magnifying glass.
- Constant itchiness. A common symptom of insect parasites, and may other parasites, is a constant itchiness. This symptom is often associated with a rash, and can lead to other problems if not taken care of as soon as possible. In many cases the itchiness (and the scratches that come with it) can often lead to an easier food source for many parasites.
- Rashes. Rashes are often the visible expression of irritated skin that can come with a parasite infection. The rash can come either from a variety of things, all associated with the parasite infection. For example as the parasites bite into the skin, the irritation from those bugs bites, or the scratches in the skin from you scratching the itchiness, and so on.
- Joint and muscle aches. Muscle and joint aches, when taken in conjunction with another symptom, can signify that you have a parasite. Most intestinal parasites can migrate (or move) throughout the body, and when they do they run the risk of getting lodged in your muscles. This will lead to aches and pains, which if you are older can mimic the feeling of arthritis. Additionally, the aches and pains can be signs that the body is trying to fight off the parasite infection.
- Diarrhea. Perhaps one of the most common symptoms of an intestinal parasite is diarrhea or wet, watery stool. Not only is this parasite symptom nasty (and not very comfortable) but potentially dangerous. The reason for this is that if the diarrhea (and the parasite that caused it) isn't treated soon it can lead to dehydration.
- Constipation. In direct contradiction to the symptom of diarrhea, severe constipation could be another sign of having a parasite. The main cause of this symptom is that an intestinal parasite (such as a worm) grows so large that it blocks part of the digestive tract. Severe constipation can lead to impacted bowels which will need to be forcibly cleaned out (hopefully through an enema and not surgery). All in all, not a good experience.
Now that you know what the symptoms of parasites are you can be better prepared for when they crop up. In the event that you or someone you know happens to come down with these symptoms you should go and see a doctor. Not only will they help give you any medicine that you need, they can give you advice on how to properly get rid of these nasty bugs, worms, and other critters.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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