Ridding Your House of Mosquitoes
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated August 5, 2013)
Mosquitoes can be one of the more annoying of pests that a homeowner can come across. After all, how many times have you sat outside enjoying the beautiful weather that comes with late spring, summer, and early fall, only to hear that annoying high pitched buzz? It seems like no matter what you try, shortly after you hear that buzz you are slapping your arm and itching like crazy. Well, ridding your house of mosquitoes isn't all that difficult, though you may need to take a couple of extreme measures.
- Remove all standing water. Look around your home for any source of standing water. Mosquitoes love standing water, and that is where they breed. This means that you should look anywhere and everywhere that you can think of. As you find sources of standing water, you need to eliminate it as much as possible. Some areas that you really want to pay special attention to are your rain gutters (which could be blocked and cause standing), bird baths, rain barrels, and flowerpot saucers.
- Seal the house. Look around your house, and seal it off as thoroughly as you possibly can. This means that you need to have all the windows and doors are either closed tight or fitted with properly working screens. Check for any and all cracks, holes, or other entrance points that could allow mosquitoes to get in. Be sure that you are paying special attention to any areas that may be near sources of standing water. When you find any openings, fix them and block them off as soon as you possibly can.
- Check yourself before you come in. During mosquito season don't be hesitant about checking yourself before you enter your home. You can easily, and accidentally, bring a mosquito inside from outside without even knowing it. The areas that you should pay special attention to are your ankles and neck, and other areas that are easily exposed to the elements.
- Use some traps. Apply a few traps around your home that can help eliminate any mosquitoes that may be flying around. The best ones are the ones that can "mimic" a warm body, and then trap them or kill them in some fashion. The classic bug zapper is a perfect example of these kinds of traps.
- Apply some foggers to your yard. You can purchase some anti-mosquito foggers and sprays from your local home improvement or garden and landscaping stores. Another source that you can use to purchase these types of pesticides from are the pest control experts in your area. Before you use them though, make sure that you fully understand the instructions, and that you have followed them perfectly.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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