Keeping Rabbits Out of Your Yard
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated August 5, 2013)
If you happen to live in an area that has a few rabbits, then you know just how damaging they can be to your yard or garden. Instead of living with the problem, or looking up recipes for rabbit fricassee, you may want to know that you have a few other options. Keeping rabbits out of your yard is entirely possible, as long as you aren't afraid to use a little ingenuity, and one or two of these methods.
- Make an organic spray. A very effective method for keeping rabbits out of your yard is to create an organic spray that will drive them away. Best of all, while this method will not harm the rabbits, it will ensure that they go anywhere they can besides your yard. All you need to do is mix together 1 tablespoon of Tabasco (or some other type of hot sauce), and one gallon of water. Spray around the edges of your yard, and you should have no problem with rabbits. Keep in mind that you will need to reapply the spray each time it rains, or every couple of days, but it will work wonders.
- Use fencing. Install some fencing around your yard. However, this fencing should go into the ground at least one foot, and be a minimum of two feet high. Furthermore, this fencing needs to have no more than six inches of space between the slats to really be effective. The rabbits can't jump over the fence, and they won't dig down far enough to get under the fence, so this is a really effective and non-confrontational method for keeping rabbits out of your yard. In addition, if you choose the right type of fencing it can even add a bit of elegance to your yard.
- Add motion detectors. Rabbits, like many animals, don't really enjoy getting soaked so why not use that to help keep rabbits out of your yard? Simply install some motion sensors to your sprinklers, and it will spray them whenever they get into your yard. After being sprayed a few times they should have little trouble realizing that they don't want to d that anymore. However, you may want to be careful when using this method if you spend a lot of time outdoors, or have neighbors, or children (or pets) who get into you yard. They too may get wet.
- Add clover outside your yard. Plant a little bit of clover along the exterior of your yard. Rabbits love clover, and if you have it on the outside of your yard, then they are less likely to get inside your yard.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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