Outdoor moths can be more than a mere nuisance at night, hurling themselves against your patio porch light, and disrupting a summer night's outdoor party. While some moths are simply an annoyance, other species, such as the gypsy moth are destructive. Gypsy moths can strip trees completely of their foliage in one season, with their larvae boring into the wood, killing entire groves of trees over several seasons. In fact, the gypsy moth is now categorized as the worst pest to endanger hardwood in the eastern United States. Follow these guidelines to rid your yard of annoying moths, and eradicate your landscape of the destructive variety of moths:
If moths are severe, destructive to your trees, and utterly annoying, you may opt to kill them as they circulate around a porch or patio light. Follow these steps to kill moths:
If you notice that gypsy moths have taken up residence in your trees with their tell-tale bag-like nests, you can contact your local cooperative extension for directions on how to chemically treat those areas, or find out if your area will be chemically treated for the pest by aerial treatment.
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Gina Chiarenza
Fluttering Flights childrens' book mentions using bulbs safe for moths.
2017-07-13 15:56:16
Are you meaning citronella torch oil? to apply to the light bulb?
2017-05-29 06:57:07
Tie a plastic bag near the light source thw moths will enter and wont be able to get out... Give it a try works amazingly.
2016-08-30 21:47:32
We have replaced the white outdoor lights with yellow. Unfortunately it has not rid moths, and or any other bugs. I have just hung out a bag of moth balls to see if that will help
2015-07-22 10:57:24
I have same problem as Jan in Plymouth, MA. Hundreds of moths, eggs and larvae on trees.
2015-06-22 09:02:01
We live in FL and have a screened pool enclosure. We also have a grassy area so the dogs don't have to go outside the screened area. Lately, we have hundreds of moths in this area all the time. It seems impossible to get rid of them. Any tips on getting rid of these pests? We bought a bug zapper, but it doesn't seem to have much effect.
2015-04-20 06:17:11
Citronella candles do nothing to deter moths from coming around. Ive lit them & had it actually attract MORE moths.
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