Bedbugs are nest parasites that, like other parasites, feed from a warm-blooded host. Hosts of bedbugs are typically humans and their pets, and they feed mainly at night and are considered a nocturnal insect. The insect is named bedbug because its preferred habitat is upholstered furniture and mattresses, although they can also take up residence in carpeting, wallpaper, drapes and curtain folds, and sleeping areas of household pets.
Here are some of the signs that you may have bedbugs:
Identifying bedbugs—actually seeing one—may prove difficult, since they are so tiny, and they usually only feed at night. Consider laying a trap to catch them. Using super strength packaging tape, lay a strip on the floor, sticky side up, beneath drapes, curtains, furniture, and mattresses. The bedbugs are so tiny that when they venture onto the tape, they will become trapped. The next morning, examine the tape for bugs. Once you have proof that your house has bedbugs, then you can proceed with eradicating them.
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Discover More2014-05-16 17:50:51
interesting to say the least
thank you
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