How to Get Rid of Gophers
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated August 23, 2013)
Perhaps one of the most classic comedic moments in all of movie history is the scene where Bill Murray is trying to get rid of the gopher in Caddy Shack. Now while that method is not the best for getting rid of gophers, it is a feeling that anyone who has had to deal with them can recognize. Luckily, if you are interested in how to get rid of gophers you won't have to go those extremes, just use one of these methods instead.
- Live traps. You can purchase live animal traps from most home improvement and garden improvement stores. Take a look at the instructions that come with the traps, and use them correctly. Typically all you need to do is place the bait into the trap and arm it. Place the armed trap in front of the gopher holes and periodically check the traps. When they are filled release the gophers in a field, and you are good to go.
- Flood the tunnels. Another option you can use is to help drive the gophers away is some water. Simply put your hose down one of the entry way, and then seal that hole off. With the hole sealed off, turn the water on and let it run for 15 minutes. This resulting flood will drive the gopher out of the holes, and you can then drive the gopher out of the yard. Be careful that you do not let the water run too long, or you can end up damaging your lawn without meaning too.
- Quarantine. One way to help remove gophers may not seem like you are actually doing that. What you do is actually quarantine the area that has the gopher with a bit of chicken wire. First you will want to dig a trench around the entrance holes about four feet in circumference. Place some chicken wire, sealed shut, within the trench and then burry the wire. The trench should be no more than one foot (12 inches) deep. Keep an eye out since when the gopher cannot get past the wire it will come to the surface and try to find another way out.
- Commercial poisons. There are plenty of commercial poisons available that you can use against gophers which you can purchase at your local home improvement or garden improvement store. If you do decide to go this route, make sure that you not only carefully follow the directions but that you also keep an eye out for the deceased animal. The poisoned animal could potentially lead to other animals getting ill if they eat it.
There are two things that you should keep in mind when it comes to getting gophers out of your yard. The first is that you may need to use a couple of methods a few times in order to really get rid of the problem. None of these methods are a magic wand which will get rid of your gopher problem. Secondly, if you are hesitant about using any of these methods then you should look into hiring a professional exterminator to come and remove the gophers for you. Not only do they have the experience, they also have the tools to help remove these pests with little to no danger or threat to you, your home, your pets, or your family.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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